It’s that time of year to get the kids together for the family portrait. I know it can be a challenge at times, which is why I’ve created some easy tips to help you capture ideal family portraits you’ll be proud to show off on your nixplay Cloud Frame.
1) Be Creative!
Find your own style of posing that embraces your family’s quirkiness, and be creative about it! Look for creative ways to pose your subjects in the photograph and use some props to help you capture different shots. For example you could use bubbles, water guns, books and etc that elaborate each family member in their own light.
2) Don’t take it too seriously!
I can’t emphasize enough how important this is. The main idea of your photo shoot is to have fun and only to have fun. Don’t be afraid to joke around and enjoy yourself. Try to take a blend of serious shots and candid shots for your family potraits. Once the serious shots have been completed, ask your subjects to relax. Sometimes the best shots will show up when everyone is being themselves and not worrying about how to put on their best smiles, so get the candid photos coming! You’ll be surprised with how good the results can be.
3) Expression is everything!
When you’re taking photos of kids, allow them to be goofy! This will enhance their real personalities and encourage them to show a natural smile. If they’re not sure how to hold themselves, you can always suggest ways for them to pose. Or even consider using props by involving their favorite toys!
4) Destination – Familiar Atmosphere
There is nothing better than capturing the photos in a familiar atmosphere, such as your home! The best thing about shooting at home is that it’s a familiar place which will make everyone feel comfortable, and it’ll also increase the meaning of the photos! Worried about bad lighting indoors? Worry no more because window lighting will be your best friend. Window lighting could be used as a key light, fill light and even backlight. Be aware of controlling your light source wisely.
5) Manual, Manual, Manual!
For anyone with a DSLR camera, it’s time to get familiar with your manual mode. Your camera setting does not always know the right setting options for the environment you are in, so try to avoid the auto. Remember to shoot in RAW format. RAW file format captures all image data that is recorded by the sensor when you take the photo. This allows you to get the highest level of quality and greater levels of brightness. Not to mention – this also allows you to easily correct over or under exposed images without losing too many details.
Happy Clicking! In no time you’ll have an album of great photos to proudly display on your nixplay Cloud Frame!
Images : August 2013, Chandni Chotrani, Freeze Seize Conquer
About Chandni Chotrani, Hong Kong

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at